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This lesson will show you how to create your own custom case numbering system in SaasCaseAgileCase.

Accessing case numbering


Like client numbers, which you can read about here, your system of case numbering is likely to be unique to your business. SaasCase AgileCase allows you to keep continuity by letting you edit the way in which case numbers are generated to reflect your business practices.


  1. The lower checkbox changes the format of all cases on the system to follow the custom case number template you have created.
  2. the Upper checkbox allows you to change the "Next Case starts at" value when ticked. This allows you to chose the case number value that SaasCase AgileCase will start from. For example, if you have cases numbered 1, 2 and 3 on another system then saascase AgileCase will duplicate these numbers in the first three cases you create. However if you change the "Next Case starts at" value to "4" then SaasCase AgileCase will begin with number 4, allowing you to have continuity between the two systems.
