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This lesson will show you how to use table controls to change the layout of custom fields.

Enable table control


When creating a new group of custom fields you will see an option called "Table Control". This allows you to change the orientation of your custom fields from columns to rows, allowing you to create your own tables.


To enable table control, tick the checkbox next to the option. Be aware that this will delete any data held in your custom fields.

Your custom fields will now be added as columns in the table. There is a limit of 30 columns in each table control group.

Additional custom fields


Enabling table controls allows you to use some additional custom field types tailored for use in tables. The new custom fields are RowID, Date and Label Control.

You can read more about each by clicking the field name.

The new custom field layout.


As you can see, your custom fields are now laid out in a row, with entries listed under them creating a table.

Using the new field types, "Review number" and "Review Date" field will update automatically with each new entry, as the only other field we are using is a username field, new entries will not require and data to be entered.

Following up on entries.


You may wish to follow up on an entry in a custom field table, for example a review may expose actions that need to be taken.

In order to do this, you can check the "Follow Up?" box, this allows you to instantly create a task that will be added to the case. Simply fill in the fields presented then click "Save Changes" to create the task.

Task created


After saving your follow up, it will be listed under the "Tasks" tab on the case page.
