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Case Plans allow you to set milestones for each Case Type, allowing you to dictate your business processes and plot a timeline for every case to ensure each is followed up in a timely manner.

You can access case plans through the “Milestones” under the "Details" tab in a case or through the settings menu under “Milestones”.


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When you add a new Case plan you can enter a name and description in order to help you keep track of it when using multiple case plans.


With a Case Plan created you can begin to add milestones. Milestones are the key actions that should be taken in every case. The milestones you use essentially define the process that you want each case to follow. Your initial milestone will likely be something along the lines of “open case” with subsequent ones signposting the appropriate actions to be taken on your choice of timescale.

An initial Milestone will likely be "Open Case" or similar.


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You can also mark milestones as mandatory. Mandatory milestone must be completed for the case to progress. This option allows you to provide allows you to provide optional milestones that account for variation between cases if necessary and prevent you from implementing too concrete a structure whilst maintaining a strong basic plan for progress.

All milestones rely on a parent to form a case plan. The parent of a milestone is the previous milestone from which the timescale of the case is worked out. After selecting a parent, you select and number of days difference which governs when the milestone is due. For example the first milestone will have the parent [Open Date] and a days difference of zero, the second, if it must occur three days later, will have the first milestone as its parent and a days difference of three.

With this simple system you can build up case plans as complex as you need to ensure that each case is followed through promptly.


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In order to link a case plan to a case type. Access the Case Type menu in the settings screen and select your case plan from the dropdown.

You can relate your case plan to a case type under the "Case Type" screen in the "Settings" menu.

Once your case plan is linked to a case type you can view your milestones in the “Details” tab along with expected dates of completion. These dates show when each task is due and the “Actual Date Completed” box allows you to enter the date the task was actually completed so you can view at a glance whether or not a case is on schedule and chase up overdue work.

You can view milestones and enter the actual date they are completed by under the "Details" tab.

With a case plan in place, you have successfully set up the basics of AgileCase, our documentation will introduce you to our more complex functionality so you can further improve and automate your workflow. For a more detailed explanation of case plans you can consult the documentation topic here.

In the final part of this guide, we will look at how to toggle the visibility of case tabs and core data in order to control what aspects of a case can be viewed.