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This lesson will show you how to run and send an email batch in AgileCase.

Run the email batch

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Once you have created an email batch you must run it in order to send the emails.To run an email batch click the last run date, if you have not run the batch before this will appear as "Never Run".


This will take you to the email batch history page. To proceed with running the email batch, click "Create Email Batch".


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You will be prompted to confirm the creation of the batch. This prompt will include the number of emails to be generated, as it will count the cases that will be processed.


Once the batch has run, you will be be presented with an overview of emails generated and a link to them within each case.

View emails

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Clicking the link in the mail merge history will take you to the corresponding case page and display the email.


As you run an email batch multiple times, each instance will be recorded on the "Email Batch History" page. clicking any of the records under "See Results" will allow you to view the emails sent in each batch.

Last run

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On the "Email Batch" page, the "Last Run" column will update with the date and time the batch was last run.
