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This lesson will show you how to create custom fields for a case type in SaasCase.

Accessing case custom fields


Custom fields are central to managing your business processes through SaasCase. As the name suggests, custom fields allow you to create your own fields that will be visible on the case page. This lets you tailor the system to your industry and the unique needs of your business.

To get started, access case custom fields by clicking the "Case" button under "Case Type Settings" in the settings menu.

Add a custom field group


The next step is to add a custom field group, to do so click "Add Custom Field Group" at the top of the page.

All case custom field groups that you create will be listen on this page and can be accessed for editing through the dropdown menu.

Enter group details


Now enter the name and description of your custom field group. Once you are finished, click the "Save Group" button to proceed.

Edit case type availability and group permissions


Once you have created a custom field group, you must set which case types it will be available to as well as governing group permissions concerning the custom field group.

Groups can be given permission to view and edit a field group or only to view it. To set permissions, select the group in question and click the appropriate arrow to send it to the correct box.

Add custom fields


With group permissions set, you can begin to add custom fields to your group. To do so click the "Add Custom Field" button and select the appropriate field type from the dropdown menu.

To see a breakdown of the different field types available, click here.

In this example we will use a basic text box field, so click the "Text Box" button on the dropdown menu to proceed. There are also options to toggle group labels which you can read about here, and table controls which are covered in this lesson.

Fill in the custom field details


You can now enter the details of your custom field.

Alongside a field name and character limit, it is possible to set a default value for the field as well as placeholder text that will illustrate what to do and help text that can be triggered by clicking the small (info) button beside the field title.

You can also designate fields as required which makes filling them in mandatory for a case. Once you have finished entering your custom field details, click "Save Field" to create it.

Save your custom field group


Once you have finished creating your custom fields you will see them listed at the bottom of the page as well as a corresponding dropdown menu that allows you to edit or delete them.

When you are happy with your custom fields, click "Save Changes" to save your custom field group.

View your custom fields


With your custom field group complete you can now view your custom fields in the appropriate case type under the "Details" tab.

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