9.3 Creating an Event

9.3 Creating an Event

This lesson will show you how to create an event in AgileCase.

Fill in event details


After choosing to create an event you will have to fill out the event details.

  • The summary allows you to create a title for the event whilst the description lets you provide a more in-depth summary of the event. You can also set a location for the event if necessary.
  • The Start/End date lets you choose when your even begins and ends. Checked the "This event will last the whole day" box will render the time slot void and have the event cover the whole day.
  • The repetition option allows you to set the event to repeat on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis.
  • Using the Case option you can search by case description or number to find the case you want to apply the event to. The calendar option lets you choose which calendar in that case the event will appear in.
  • The "Attendees" section allows you to select the users and groups that are invited to the event. Select the user or group you want to add then click the "+" icon by their name to add them to the event.

Once you have finished filling in the details, click "Save Event" to create the event.

View event


The event will now be visible under the "Calendar" tab in the relevant case.