20.3 Creating Custom Case Types in AgileCase
Once you have set up a practice area, the next step is to create a custom case type that you can allocate to that practice area in order to give users a case format that fits their work. Case types are key to optimizing your workflow as they can be allocated custom fields so that all necessary data can be entered in an appropriate format.
To create a custom case type, first access the settings menu then select “Case Types”.To add your own custom case type, click the “Add Case Type” icon.
Now you can name your case type and associate it with one or more practice areas. To do this, select the relevant practice area from the menu. Alternatively, select to appropriate case type on the “Edit” menu for that practice area.To get the most out of your custom case type you can add a case plan, which we shall look at in more detail in a future entry. In brief, these allow you to set a timeline for each case type and ensure that it is followed by all users.
You can also govern which groups can access the case type. Groups allow you divide the users in your system in to teams that can be allocated to case types and practice areas in order to ensure that staff can only access the relevant information.
To create a group, select the relevant tab from the settings menu the click the “Add Group” icon.
After naming your group you can select which users are to be part of the group.
Once a group is associated with a case type, only users in that group can see the case type. This allows you to compartmentalise your system so every user cannot access all of the information.
For a more detailed account of how to set up a case type, please refer to the documentation topic here. For information on setting up groups, you can find the topic here.
With a practice area and corresponding case type set up, the next stage will take a look at the relationship system within a single case in order to manage contacts and streamline communications between relevant parties.