8.4 Organizing Reports
This lesson will show you how to organize you reports in AgileCase using labels.
Add a label to your report
In order to organize your reports, you will want to add a label to them.
These labels will create categories that your reports will be split between on the "Reports" page. As you will likely produce a high volume of reports when you are using AgileCase, labels become a vital tool when organizing or searching throught them.
At the bottom of the page when creating a report you will see the option to add a label. Use this dropdown to select a system label to apply to your report.
Once you have finished, make sure to save your report in order to confirm the changes.
Creating labels for reports
Unlike in other areas of the system, the labels you use on your reports must be created using the "Reports" page on the settings menu. You can learn how to do this in this lesson.
Reports sorted by label
Once you are in the habit of applying labels to your reports, the reports page will become much easier to navigate.
Each label creates its own category under which reports bearing that label will be listed.