10.18 Case Type Editing
This lesson will show you how to change the case type and practice area of a case from the case page.
Editing the practice area
In order to change the practice area of a case first begin editing the case by clicking the "Edit" button in the top right corner of the page.
Use the dropdown menu by the "Practice Area" heading to change the practice area associated with a case. Once you have selected the new practice area you want to associate with the case, click the tick button to save the new settings.
Please note that changing the practice area will also change any custom field groups and relationship groups that are associated with the case and any information within these fields shall be lost upon proceeding.
Editing the case type
You can edit the case type of the selected case in the same way as the practice area.
Simply use the dropdown menu and confirm your choice with the tick button.
Like changing the practice area, changing the case type will result in the loss of data from any related fields.