13.5 Sorting Bills

13.5 Sorting Bills

This lesson will show you how to sort through your bills in AgileCase.

Sort options


On the "Bills" tab, clicking the dropdown beside the "New Bill" button will open the sorting and export menu.

Here you can choose from a variety of sort options to filter the bills that you want to see.

You can view all of your bills or sort them by payment status- paid, not paid or partially paid. You can also export your bills in to CSV or PDF format.

Exporting to CSV


After choosing to export to CSV you can choose the bills you want to export.

You can select a range of dates to see the bills created between them. You can also choose a system user and/or client name to filter the bills by.

Once you have set your criteria, click "Export" to download your bills in CSV format.

Report in CSV


When downloaded, the report will open in Excel. When exported, the invoice will be presented in more depth in to facilitate your accounting needs.

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