8.1.9 Applying Groups of Conditions

8.1.9 Applying Groups of Conditions

This lesson will show you how to apply groups of conditions to your reports.


Adding a group of conditions



When creating a report using conditions, it is possible to add a group of conditions that work together. To create a group of conditions first add a single condition as you would normally. Now, click the {+} icon to add a second condition to the group.


Setting secondary conditions




You can now specify a secondary condition in the same manner of the first.

The dividing line between the conditions; "And any of the following apply". is very important. Clicking the underlined "any" allows you to determine the conditions of the group. You can change this from "any" to "all", "none" or "not all". This controls how the report will pick out the relevant records. 

This report will pick out any record that is created by the user you specify and that was created before the specified date. Changing the "any" in the second condition to "none" would generate a report containing all of the records created by the specified user, that were not created before the specified date.

Using groups of conditions like this allows you to set more complex conditions  in your reports so you can always achieve the information you are seeking.


Preview report with multiple conditions



This screenshot shows the preview a report using the condition group created in this lesson. After entering a user name, only those cases created by the user before 02/02/2015 are displayed.