1.5 Email Signature

1.5 Email Signature

This lesson will show you how to create an email signature in AgileCase.

Acessing email signature


Email signatures allow you to create your own automated sign off for your emails. To access email signatures, click the "E-Mail Signature" button under "Personal" on the settings menu.

Create an email signature


On this page you can create your email signature by entering text in the text box. Clicking "Enable Signature" will apply this signature to any emails you create.

Edit HTML view


by clicking the pencil button you can edit the HTML of your signature to add hyperlinks. the syntax; <a href="(desintation URL)"> (linked text) </a> will generate a hyperlink to the specified URL. Once you have finished composing your signature, click the "Save Changes" button to save this as your email signature.

Signature on an email


After creating a signature it will automatically be populated in any email you compose in the system.

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