3.1 Inviting New Users to AgileCase

3.1 Inviting New Users to AgileCase

This lesson will explain how to invite new users to the system you can implement AgileCase across your company.

Access the "Users" page


To add a new user you have to access the "Users" page. To do this select the the "Users" button under "User Admin" in the settings menu.

Invite a new user


To invite a new user to the system, click the "Invite User" button on the "Users" page.

Enter user details


To invite a new user you must enter their Email address and specify whether they are to be a standard user or an administrator. When you are ready to send the invitation, click the "Send Invitation" button.

Successful invitation


If your invitation is successful a message will be displayed and their Email address will be listed under the "Invitations" heading. The new user should receive a confirmation email with a verification link that they should follow.

Invitation accepted


Once your new user has been verified and has created an account they will be displayed under the "Users" heading and their registration date will be displayed beside their invitation.