5.4 Editing Case Type Tabs

5.4 Editing Case Type Tabs

This lesson will show you how to configure Custom Field Case Type Tabs in order to customize the tab layout, order and configuration of your Custom Field Groups within a Case setting.

Select "Edit Case Type Tabs" on the case types page

When you open the dropdown menu opposite a case type on the case types page you will see an option "Edit Case Type Tabs". This allows you to configure the tab layout of your Custom Field Groups for the Case Type chosen. 

In order to begin doing this, click the "Edit Case Type Tabs" option.

"Details" Default Tab

Initially, when entering the "Edit Case Type Tabs" option for the first time, all Custom Field Groups associated with the Case Type will appear under the default "Details" tab as shown below.

Using the up and down ordering arrows alongside each option you have the ability to change the order in which your Custom Field Groups are shown under the Details Tab within a case. 

For example, if you were to use this option to move the "Price" Custom Field Group to the bottom of this list, the case view for the Details tab would look like this, with the Price tab last in the order.

Creating a new Tab

Clicking "Add new Tab" will cause a new, blank tab to be created below the current Default Tab.

All new tabs are added with a name "New Tab", "New Tab 1" etc

Renaming a Tab

To rename a newly added or pre-existing tab, click on the name on the tab which is colored in blue, this will open this dialog.

Simply change the name of the tab and click "Save"

Note: the Details tab cannot have its name changed.

Adding Custom Field Groups to a tab

To position Custom Field Groups on a new tab simply use the up and down ordering arrows alongside each Custom Field Group to position the Custom Field Group in the new tab.

In this example, clicking the down arrow on the "Price" Custom Field Group places it onto the "Renamed New Tab" tab.

Deleting a tab

To delete a pre-existing tab, click on the name on the tab which is colored in blue, this will open this dialog.

Click the "Delete" button and the selected Tab will be deleted.


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