/ - Integrating with 3rd party services - Integrating with 3rd party services
This example will show you how to integrate 3rd party services, in this case Google Charts, in to your system.
The script featured here can be copied in to your system with your own field group specified in order to generate your own charts.
For a more expansive guide on integrating Google Charts, please consult their own documentation here: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/php_example
Integrating with 3rd party services
//The first line sends a request to google for the script $.getScript("https://www.google.com/jsapi", function(){ // In this line you can specify the table you want to use by entering the ID $.get('/api/case/' + caseid + '/data?getValues=casetable.2439', function( response ) { // This line loads the visualization API and the Bar Chart package google.load('visualization', '1.1', { 'callback': '"qwe".substr(0,1)', 'packages': ['bar'] }); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { // This section of code specifies the columns and rows of the chart var tableGroupName = response.data.customTables[0].name; var columnName1 = response.data.customTables[0].rows[0].items[0].name; var columnName2 = response.data.customTables[0].rows[0].items[1].name; var rowsCount = response.data.customTables[0].rows.length; var columnsCount = response.data.customTables[0].rows[0].items.length; var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', columnName1); data.addColumn('number', columnName2); data.addRows(rowsCount); for (var i = 0; i < rowsCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < columnsCount; j++){ var element = response.data.customTables[0].rows[i].items[j]; data.setCell(i, j, element.value); } } // This section allows you to set the dimensions of the chart as well as a title and subtitle var options = { width: $('#scriptingTarget').width(), height: 250, chart: { title: tableGroupName, subtitle: 'Example Graph', }, }; // This code creates a "Show/Hide Graphic" option, allowing users to toggle the table. setTimeout(function(){ $('#scriptingTarget').append('<a href="#" id="show-hide-graphic">Show / Hide graphic</a>'); $('#scriptingTarget').append('<div id="graphic">'); var chart = new google.charts.Bar(document.getElementById('graphic')); chart.draw(data, options); }, 200); $(document).on('click', '#show-hide-graphic', function(){ $('#graphic').toggleClass('hide'); }); } }); });
The above script shows how to integrate Google Charts in to your system.
Table data
Here is the data for the table as it is presented in the system
This is the resulting graph created by integrating Google Charts with AgileCase.