10.13 The Expenses Tab

10.13 The Expenses Tab

This lesson will cover the functionality of the "Expenses" tab in a case.

Adding a new expense entry


The "Expenses" tab is used to make expense entries against a case and keep track of the entries that have alread been made.

These expenses will be saved against the case for billing purposes and will be taken in to account in any invoices generated for the case.

In order to make a new expense entry, click the "Add expense" button on the right hand side of the screen.

Enter expense details


You can now fill out the details of this expense entry. Select a date and describe the entry before selecting the user that entry is made on behalf of as well as the amount and the relevant tax rate.

Once you have finished, click "Save Changes" to create the expense.

New expense entry added


Your new expense entry will now appear in the list along with any others made against the case. You can edit or delete entries using the corresponding dropdown menus.

Exporting expense entries


it is also possible to export your expense entries in either CSV or PDF format in order to better present them when necessary.

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