10.12 The Time Tab

10.12 The Time Tab

This lesson will explain the layout of the "Time" tab in a case.

Time tab


the time tab allows you to make time entries against a case. Time entries are used to track the time spent on the case, for example each working day can be recorded in order to calculate the average working day when deciding upon a fixed fee.

You can also use time entries in the invoicing functionality as entries with a biiling rate against them will be calculated in to any invoice generated against the case.

To add a new time entry, click the "Add Time Entry" button.

Adding a time entry


After choosing to add a new entry you must fill out the details. The date will be auto-filled to the current date by can be changed by clicking the field. You must then enter a duration and a description of the time entry. If you are billing the client for this time, fill in the right hand column.

The "Description" field allows you to select a billing rate whilst the "Tax" field lets you choose the relevant tax option. The "Rate" field will be automatically populated when you select a billing rate but can be edited in the case of one off billings.

Finally you can select the system user that has made the time entry. Once you have completed these details, click "Save Time" to create the entry.

You can also add time entries using the timer function, which is explained in this lesson.

Time entry saved


Your new time entry will now appear against the case. It can be edited or set inactive using the corresponding dropdown menu.